How To Remove Cigarette Burns From Carpet  

How To Remove Cigarette Burns From Carpet - a complete guide

How To Remove Cigarette Burns From Carpet  

Did you ruin your carpet with a cigarette? Don’t worry; now you will know how to get cigarette burns out of your carpet. There is no need for professional help to fix a cigarette burn on your carpet. It will look better after you do it. This lesson will show you how to properly treat small and large cigarette burns.

The first way is to treat minor cigarette burns from smoke.

Method 1: Repairing Small Cigarette Burns

Things You’ll Need

  1. Sharp paper for sanding; scissors
  2. Tweezers strong glue for the house
  3. Steps for a big thing (like a book)


  1. Sand the Burned Area: Carefully sand the burn spot with fine sandpaper to remove the burned fibres.
  2. Vacuum Debris: Use the vacuum to remove any loose bits in the area.
  3. Trim Damaged Fibers: Gentle cut off any last burned threads with scissors.
  4. Harvest Donor Fibers: Cut fibres from a hidden part of the carpet, like behind furniture or in a room, to fit the damaged area.
  5. Apply Adhesive: Put some glue here. Put a small amount of strong home glue on the wound.
  6. Insert New Fibers: Fill in with new strands. Using tweezers, place the gathered fibres in the glued area to fit the pattern of the existing carpet.
  7. Secure the Repair: To ensure the fix sticks properly, press down on it and put something heavy on top of it. Then, leave it alone for twenty-four hours.

Method 2: Repairing Large Cigarette Burns

Learn how to remove cigarette burns from carpet easily with simple DIY methods.

Things You’ll Need

  1. Utility knife
  2. Measuring tape
  3. Replacement carpet piece
  4. Carpet adhesive or double-sided carpet tape
  5. A heavy object (e.g., a book)


  1. Cut Out the Damaged Section: Use a utility knife to cut a small square or rectangle around the burning area and then cut it off.
  2. Prepare the Replacement Piece: Measure the part that was cut out and cut a matched piece from the leftover carpet or a less noticeable spot. Ensure the pile goes in the same direction as the old carpet.
  3. Apply Adhesive: Use double-sided or carpet glue to stick the broken piece back on the floor where it was taken off.
  4. Insert the Patch: Place the new piece of carpet into the cut-out area by pressing down hard.
  5. Blend the Seams: To make the patch look like the rest of the carpet, gently brush the edges with your fingers or a comb.
  6. Secure the Patch: Cover the fixed area with something heavy for 24 hours to ensure it sticks well.

These tips will help you make your carpet look a lot better after a cigarette burn. If your carpet is badly damaged or you’re unsure how to fix it, you should take it to a professional repair company. 

If you’re dealing with more than just burns, check out our tutorials: 

  1. How to Deeply Clean and Enhance the Life of Your Carpets: A Comprehensive Guide
  2. How to Remove wine, pet urine, or stubborn stains out of carpet
  3. Ways to Prevent Damage to Your Carpet

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