How to Remove wine, pet urine, or stubborn stains out of carpet

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A person wearing yellow gloves is cleaning a carpet with a spray bottle and brush.

How to Remove wine, pet urine, or stubborn stains out of carpet

Carpets are used in bedrooms, drawing rooms, living rooms, offices, etc. to enhance their beauty and to add perfection. In this case, even minor stains, dents, and dullness harm the beauty and perfection of carpets. There are unfortunate incidents that come and they stained the carpets. These stains and any kind of other damage if not treated timely, can lead to irreversible loss. 

Here are the few tips below, by following them you can not only maintain your carpets and secure the beauty and perfection of your space. But it also saves you from the financial burden of purchasing a new carpet.

1. How to Remove Red Wine Stains

Red wine causes the hardest stains. Because wines have vibrant colors that can set quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to act quickly on the wine stains and take some safety measures to remove them completely.

Procedure to Clean Red Wine Stain

  1. Wipe Immediately: Use a clean towel to soak up the wine that is not absorbed yet.
  2. Apply Club Soda or Water: Take the club soda with the help of a clean towel. Rub the stained area.
  3. Baking Soda Paste: Prepare a paste by using baking soda and water. Apply it on the stain directly. Let it set for a few minutes.
  4. Rinse With a Damp Cloth: Use a damp cloth to rinse the stained area.
  5. Vacuum: Vacuum the Stained area to remove any residues. 

Pro Tip: If the stain is still not removed, use carpet stain removers or ask for professional help.

2. How to Remove Pet Urine Stains and Odors

If not properly handled, pet pee can not only discolor the carpets but also leave an unpleasant smell. Urine can soak into the padding beneath the carpet and dry there if it is not removed quickly.

Procedures for Cleaning Pet Urine Stains

  1. Blot the Area: Put paper towels on the affected area to soak up the maximum of the pee.
  2. Spray Vinegar Solution: Spray the stain with a mixture of vinegar and water.
  3. Sprinkle Baking Soda: Over the soaked area to remove the unpleasant smell.
  4. Use an Enzyme Cleaner: To remove stubborn stains or odors. They break down the proteins found in pet urine.
  5. Vacuum the Area: when it dries completely to remove any remaining residue.
  6. Pro Tip: Don’t use ammonia-based cleaners, which might bring dogs to the same location again.

3. How to remove coffee and tea stains

Coffee and tea contain toxins. These toxins made the stains difficult to remove if not cleaned timely. Here are a few tips below to remove the brownish coffee or tea stains.

Steps for Cleaning Coffee or Tea Stains

  1. Blot the Excess Liquid: With a clean towel. Put it on the stained area to absorb excess coffee or tea.
  2. Mix a Vinegar Solution: Mix white vinegar, dish soap, and warm water.
  3. Apply the Solution: With a clean cloth or sponge on the stained area. Let it set for a few minutes.
  4. Blot with a Dry Towel: Rub the affected area with a dry towel. Let the residuals absorb in a dry towel.
  5. Rinse with Cold Water: Wash the stain with cold water.

4. How to Get Rid of Ink Stains

Pen and marker inks contain chemicals to make the ink colors stronger. That’s why ink stains become hard to remove if they stay longer on the carpets. You should clean the ink stains as soon as possible.

Steps for Cleaning Ink Stains

  1. Clean Towel: Do not rub the stain. Rubbing can spread the stain on the carpet. Take a damp towel. Put it on the stained area. Press gently, it will absorb the ink from the carpet.
  2. Isopropyl Alcohol: Dip a cotton swab in alcohol. Dap the cotton on the affected area.
  3. Cold Water: Wash the stained area with cold water. This will remove alcohol residues from the carpet.
  4. Air Dryer: Use an air dryer to dry the wet area.

Pro Tip: Use ink removers if the stain is still not gone. 

5. How to Remove Grease and Oil Stains

Oil and grease oil can be worse if it is not cleaned on time. Oil stains can turn dark and sticky. This starts absorbing the dust gradually.

Steps to Clean Grease and Oil Stains

  1. Baking Soda or Cornstarch: Dust baking soda and cornstarch on the stained area. Give it rest for 15 to 30 minutes, so the oil can be absorbed.
  2. Vacuum the Powder: Vacuum the area to remove any dried powder.
  3. Dish Soap Solution: Mix dishwashing soap in water. Spray the solution on the affected area.
  4.  Rinse with Water: Wipe off soap residue with a moist towel and pat to dry.

6. How to Remove Mud Stains 

Although mud stains can appear challenging, cleaning without spreading the stain is much easier by allowing the mud to dry first.

Steps for Eliminating Mud and Dirt Stains

  1. Allow the Mud to Dry: Moist Mud should not be cleaned since it will spread.
  2. Vacuum: Get rid of as much loose dirt as you can by vacuuming the dried mud.
  3. Employ a Gentle Soap Solution: Gently wipe the residues after combining dish soap and water.
  4. Rinse and Blot Dry: Give it a water rinse. Use a towel to absorb additional wetness.

7. How Blood Stains Can Be Removed

Only cold water should be used to treat blood stains since warm water might set them.

How to Get Rid of Blood Stains

Using Cold Water, Blot: take a clean cloth. Dip the cloth in cold water and dap the stain.

Hydrogen Peroxide or Dish Soap: Dab the solution over the affected area and let it sit for ten minutes.

Rinse:  Use a cloth to soak up the liquid. Rinse with cold water.

Repeat if Required: Apply hydrogen peroxide and blot again for spots that are difficult to remove.

8. Protective Measure to Avoid Stains

Carpet Protectors: Spray carpet stain resistance regularly.

Cleaning Kit Handy: keep carpet cleaning handy kit. The kit must have baking soda, dish soap, vinegar, and enzyme cleaners.

Respond Quickly to Spills: if there are any accidental spills. Take protective measures immediately to avoid sitting.

Train Your Pets: Train your pets to use specified locations.

Area Rugs: Use area rugs in the rush areas to avoid stains.


Carpet stains can not be ignored. Some stains are left without causing any permanent damage if treated timely. Whether the stain is of wine, mud, blood, oil, etc. if acting quickly and following suitable cleaning methods for each stain, they can treated very easily. There must be a cleaning handy kit in your home to treat stains.

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